The Negative Impacts of Divorce
Divorce has become very common in the United States. While it was much more difficult to get divorced in the past, divorce is now much easier and faster than ever before. Society often portrays divorce as freeing and that it is wonderful how unhappy spouses are able to remove themselves from a marriage as soon as possible. It is true that sometimes divorce is necessary and that spouses will be more healthy either physically or emotionally if they end their marriage. However, a lot of the time, this is not the case. It has become increasingly common to leave a marriage over details that could easily be worked out over time. This is really saddening, especially because of how negatively divorce often impacts families. So what are some of the hardships these families face?
Divorce can be extremely painful and confusing for children. Often they come to the conclusion that somehow it is their fault and that the parent that leaves does not love them. Routines often change following a divorce as well, which causes a lot of stress on children. Children are more likely to stay with their mom, and usually she will move near her family. This leaves the children with not only a new family structure, but also a new location where they will need to make new friends. Along with this, they most likely will visit their other parent occasionally--probably on weekends--which disrupts their old routines even more. One of the most important factors a child needs in their environment is stability, and divorce often leads to a loss of stability and security. Along with this, children's parents may talk badly about one another to their children, which will cause further distress and confusion. If a divorce is inevitable, the best option is to try to keep routines and everything else as close to how they were before as possible. This will have the best outcome for the children.
Other issues caused by divorce will be increased duties for both parents. The mother--who will most likely be raising the children--will almost certainly need a job if she did not already have one. This will take her away from spending as much time raising her children and could cause a divide as the children get older. The father will now have to work to provide for not only himself, but also to provide money for his ex-wife and children. This will cause extra strain on him, as he'll now have make more money to be able to provide for two households. Even if he remarries and starts a new family, he will still be expected to supply money for both families. Divorce does not just mean heartbreak and pain--it can also mean new and difficult responsibilities that could last for life.
Divorce can be so damaging for all that are involved. When asked about a divorce two years later, 70% of people believe they could have worked through things and not gotten a divorce and wish that they had. Not only that, but the longer the process of getting a divorce takes, the less likely it is that a couple will decide to go through with it. Sometimes when a couple is angry and tensions are high, they will decide to get a divorce without giving themselves time to overcome their emotions and see reason. The consequences of divorce are harsh and can last forever. Being patient and deciding to work through things or going to therapy could make a huge difference and maybe save and improve a marriage. If you are considering divorce, just ask yourself "Is this marriage salvageable? Would it be worth trying to work things out? Would it be healthy for me to remain in this marriage? Would it be worth the consequences if I get a divorce?" Maybe it would be better to get a divorce, but make sure you consider every option before making a decision that could change your life forever.
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